Custom Designed Solar Dryers
- suits your drying capacity
- roof-top collectors or ground installation
- easily accesable drying chamber
- controlled airflow
Project Design services - Modeling
- to scale model of Scheffler Reflector arrays
- daily rotation and seasonal inclination of each reflector
- exact latitude
- ideal for presentations, layout simulations and shadow simulation
Project Design Services - Grid Layout Optimisation
- shadow modeling for Scheffler Reflector arrays according to your specific parameters:
- latitude
- site parameters (available space, surounding buildings, etc.)
- reflector size
- optimisation of the grid layout through including further parameters like:
- daily and seasonal load curves of your clients application
- climatic conditions
- matching your clients requirements to the maximum
Project Design Services - Thermal Storage options
storing energy in form of heat can be the solution to maximize the use of solar energy for your application
- comparison of energy providing solar technologies with respect to your energy requirement, user pattern and climatic conditions and site parameters (available space, surounding buildings, etc.)
- sizing of solar plant and storage options
- hybrid solutions (thermal/pv/biomass/conventional)